
At Vet Stop, we believe in providing comfort to pets in every way we can — this means providing grooming services! We offer top-of-the-line grooming services including haircuts and trimming, nail clipping and anal gland expression, ear cleaning, medicated bath and full brush services. We provide professional grooming services for all breeds of dogs and cats. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!

*Pricing subject to breed and type of groom. Please call for more info.

What to Expect

At check-in, we’ll have paperwork for you to fill out indicating what you want done for your pet that day. You are welcome to ask for the groomer’s presence at check-in, and as long as they’re able to be present, they’d be happy to chat with you. Otherwise, they can call you as soon as they’re able to.

Your pet will stay with us for 4-6 hours depending on their size, coat type, and how well they tolerate grooming. During their stay, they’ll be provided water and bathroom breaks.

One of our staff will call you to let you know when your pet’s groom is complete and they’re ready to go home. At check-out, your pet will be brought to you refreshed and smelling wonderful!

Bath Only Prices

Includes nail trim, ear cleaning, brush out, and length off entire body.

  • <15 lbs - $33-43
  • 16-39 lbs – $38-49
  • 40-75 lbs – $49-54
  • 76+ lbs – $54-70
  • Felines – $54-59
Full Groom Prices

Includes nail trim, ear cleaning, brush out, and length off entire body.

  • <15 lbs - $59
  • 16-39 lbs – $65
  • 40-75 lbs – $75
  • 76+ lbs – $97
  • Felines – $86
Extra Offerings

Shed-Less Treatment

Using a shed-less shampoo, conditioner, and deeper brushing, we are able to remove the majority of undercoat and greatly reduce loose fur and shedding.

Express Groom $22

First appointment of the day and completed before working with any other pets to reduce your pets time at our facility. ** Must request this at the time of scheduling.*

Spot-Trimming $12

Nail Filing $17

Internal Anal Gland Expression $33

Teeth Brushing $10

Specialty Shampoos $5-12

Conditioner $5-12

Vanilla Paw Pad Treatment $5

Blueberry Facial $7

De-Shedding Treatment $10-30

Express Groom $22 (first-in/first-out grooming appt.)

Nail Polish $27

Other Possible Charges

Assisted Grooming ($5/15 mins) — ****Meaning the groomer required a second set of hands to comfort your pet while they completed the groom.

Matting or Extra Brushing ($5+ depending on size and condition)

Sedation Required $55 — Some pets just tolerate grooming when they can snooze through the whole process. Before we ever move forward with this service, we will talk to you about it and be happy to answer any questions. Our experienced hospital staff will be present with your pet at all times to monitor vitals and see them through recovery from the anesthesia.

Extended Groom Time ($5/15 mins) — Meaning the groomer was able to complete the groom without a second set of hands but it took longer to complete for the sake of your pet’s comfort.